Dr. Fox specializes in the art of Instrument Adjusting. This specialty in Chiropractic Medicine has been proven highly effective to help people get relief, without the twisting, cracking or popping of other chiropractic techniques. Treatment takes place in our new office located right off the freeway near Twin Cities Hospital in Templeton.

Chiropractic adjustments using the Activator ® Methods Chiropractic Technique (with state of the art Activator 5® instrument and IQ Impulse instrument)
Cold Laser Therapy
Trigger point therapy
Postural exercises and/or stretches. Check Dr. Fox’s special recommendations for pregnant women.
Personalized nutritional and exercise recommendations.
Check our articles on nutrition — Killer Foods, and Cholesterol Facts, For Your Health!
Adjustments for children
Chiropractic care for pregnant women
Preventative care
2 Certified Massage Therapists in office
Adjustments for Children
Children respond very well to chiropractic techniques when they need relief for pain or discomfort stemming from injury, trauma or other physical conditions. Small bodies go through a lot of changes throughout the years and often those spines need care too. Whether it is from learning to walk, falls on the playground or youth sports activities, children of all ages benefit from having their spines and joints checked. Through the very thorough Activator technique that Dr. Fox utilizes, only what their bodies need will be corrected. Dr. Fox is also currently pursuing her Pediatric and Webster Certification through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Certification. Our office also has a toy and book corner to make our little patients feel welcome and special!
Women’s Issues
Dr. Fox has a depth of experience and interest in working with women’s health issues, including issues relating to hormonal changes, fertility, pregnancy, balancing stress, or difficulty with weight loss. Pregnancy in particular is very hard on a woman’s body and the Activator technique is well suited to take care of those changing bodies during pregnancy. Dr. Fox has several OB/Gyn doctors that refer to her because of the safe and gentle care the instrument provides!