Length of Care by Dr. Martha Bordonaro

Receive Care as Long as You Like

We’ve all heard the joke, “How many chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb? Only one but it takes 100 visits.”

Funny. Ha-ha.

The fact is, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Many folks choose to continue their chiropractic care on some type of periodic basis for the rest of their lives.

Others choose to see us from time to time for episodes of neck or back pain. It’s your choice. However, this concern is prompted by two common questions:

“Will I get addicted to chiropractic adjustments?”

No. Many people feel a pleasant sense of ease and well-being after their chiropractic adjustments. Some feel as though their power has been “turned on.”

Others feel more whole or “connected.” (This is what “normal” feels like!) Once people experience this feeling they often choose to adopt some type of ongoing schedule of care so they continue to feel this way all the time. It’s not an addiction.

“Why are so many visits necessary?”

By the time many people consult our practice, they’ve had their problem for some time. Retraining muscles and ligaments that support the spine takes time. Each visit builds on the ones before. Remember, you’re doing the healing, not the chiropractor!

How long you decide to benefit from chiropractic care is always up to you.
