We are all entering uncharted territory these days. I want my friends, patients and my community to know that we will be here to support you for as long as we are allowed. Our office will remain open with a modified schedule until further notice. Those hours are listed on the homepage. We have all heard the ways in which we can mediate the spread of viruses of any kind: routine hand washing with soap and warm water, use of hand sanitizer when water is is not available, coughing and sneezing etiquette of using your elbow or disposable tissue. We are doing our part by increasing the frequency in which we sanitize our office space as well as screening patients who may be symptomatic. We will not be charging any late or no-show fees at this time. Please feel free to check our website for updated information or call our office with questions or concerns. We can all do our part to keep those with compromised immune systems safe by limiting exposure in our community. Here is some helpful information that has been shared with us via our insurance company.

The CDC is your most up to date source for information.  A broader perspective would be the WHO.  Other sites worth visiting for information are the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy and Johns Hopkins.

We also were given some examples of things that you can do at this time to help your physical and mental health (from Natural Terrain):

    1. Do your best not to live in fear or anxiety about the situation.  Yes, it is a serious matter that requires our attention.  However, it is important to note that when we get trapped in a fear response our immune systems shut down in favor of survival mechanisms, which actually further heighten our anxiety! Be wise and discerning about your lifestyle practices and choices, and trust you are doing what you can to keep yourself and your family safe.

    2. Fresh air is vital to healthy immunity - make a point of getting outside, daily.  Even as little as 10 to 15 minutes three times throughout the day will benefit you.

    3. Rest!  Get plenty of sleep and rest.

    4. Take some time off, perhaps use this time for a personal at-home retreat where you just enjoy some time spent away from work, extra-curricular activities and the hustle and bustle of life.  Walks in nature, healthy dinners together with your family, board games, curling up with a good book and limiting your social contact are all enriching ways to protect yourself from community transmission.

    5. Increase your consumption of anti-oxidant and nutrient-dense infection-fighting foods like: organic blueberries, raspberries, spinach, sprouts, garlic, onions, ginger, parsley, cilantro, spirulina, celery juice, bone broth and fermented foods and beverages.

    6. Drink lots of water. Drinking good quality water and herbal teas, staying hydrated, is one of the best things you can do to flush out toxins from your body and help support the immune system.

    7. Keep your immune system strong by reducing your sugar intake and eating a balanced diet.  Avoid eating processed sugars. Sugar weakens the immune system and makes it less able to deal with viruses and bacteria.  Be sure to read food labels carefully and to limit the amount of sugar you eat.

    8. Above all, please use common sense when making decisions for you and your family.